Wellness Tips
Wellness goes beyond routine visits to your doctor, staying fit and maintaining a healthy diet. It refers to overall well-being, including a balance among physical, mental, emotional, intellectual, occupational, behavioral and spiritual health that gives us the ability to feel good about ourselves and enjoy our lives. Each aspect of wellness can affect a person’s overall quality of life. That’s why it’s important to work toward achieving optimal health in each area. Mental Health America’s Live Your Life Well campaign offers 10 useful tips for living a full, enjoyable life:
Connect with others. Spend more time with family members and friends, and develop new relationships by taking classes, doing volunteer work or joining a club that interests you wheelz online casino.
Stay positive. Learn to avoid negative thought patterns and focus on feeling grateful for the positive things in your life.
Be physically active. Strive for 30 minutes of daily moderate aerobic activity, and squeeze in additional exercise by playing with your children or taking the stairs instead of the elevator.
Help others. In addition to looking for volunteer opportunities, do little things like smiling at a stranger or holding the elevator for a co-worker.
Get enough sleep. Being tired and having low energy affects every aspect of your life.
Create joy and satisfaction. Read humorous books, do something you enjoyed as a child or treat yourself to a massage.
Eat well. Choose a diet high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins, while minimizing saturated fats, salt and added sugars.
Take care of your spirit. Join a religious institution, pray regularly or learn to meditate. Look for the good in yourself and others.
Deal better with hard times. When you have an upsetting experience, try writing about it to organize your thoughts. When faced with a problem, make a list of possible solutions and consider the merits of each.
Get professional help, qualified and trained, if you need it. Visit our resource section to explore helpful resources in your community.
Pursuing overall wellness can help people cope with mental health challenges and is a vital part in the road to recovery. Speak Up. Ask for help and get on the path to true wellness. You can read up on additional tips to Liven Up Your Health in the It’s Up to Us mental health bulletins below.
Liven Up Your Health: Smiling Is Good for You
Liven Up Your Health: How Pets Improve Your Health